Program Delivery 課程形式
- O2O Training 線上及線下學習
- One-on-one Coaching 一對一輔導
- Case study Approach 真實案例研究
Program Outline 課程大綱
- Introduction 企業解決師簡介
- Something is Wrong KYPs 問題原因
- What are the KYPs? 什麼是KYPs?
- Competitive Advantages 競爭優勢
- Value Chain Understanding 價值鏈簡介
- Value Creation Strategy 價值創造戰略
Our Mentors 星級解決師
President Yip 葉院長
President & CEO, Global Leaders Corp 環球鉅人集團主席兼首席執行官
President, GBA Institute 粵港澳大灣區經貿研究院院長
Michael Leung 梁總裁
Group CEO, Global Leaders Corp 環球鉅人集團行政總裁
Program Date 課程日期
7月30及31日 (共兩天),10:00am – 5:00pm
Program Fee 費用
HKD $4,500
Payment Methods 付款方法
Cheque 支票 :
Cheque should be crossed and made payable to “Global Leaders Academy Limited”. Please write the name, contact number on the back of the cheque and allow at least 3 days for processing. Post-dated cheque will not be accepted. Please mail your cheque to Mr Saiman Au, Room 1701-03, 17/F, The Metropolis Tower, 10 Metropolis Drive, Hung Hom, Hong Kong or Email your Banking deposits slip to
Direct Deposit 存款或轉帳 :
Please remit the amount to the following account:
A/C Name: Global Leaders Academy Limited
A/C No.: 582-411930-001 (HKD) OR 582-411930-838 (RMB/USD)
Bank Code: 004
Bank Name: The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd
Payme (HSBC) :
Please scan below QR Code

Or use PayMe link:
(Please enter pay amount, your full name and mobile no. for reference)
For Enquiry 查詢
Tel 電話 / WhatsApp:+852 9623 2832
Email 電郵